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Sometimes it takes crossing an ocean to figure out where you belong.It's been two years since twenty-year-old Jordan had a boyfriend—which means it's been forever since she, well, you know. But now she’s off to spend her junior year in Aberdeen, Scotland, the perfect place to stop waiting for Mr. Right and just enjoy Mr. Right Now.Sexy, sweet (and possible player) Griffin may be her perfect, no-strings-attached match. He’s fun, gorgeous, and makes her laugh. So why can’t she stop thinking about Noah who, minutes after being trapped together outside the train’s loo, kisses Jordan like she’s never been kissed before? Never mind his impossible blue eyes, his weathered, annotated copy of The Great Gatsby (total English-major porn)…oh, and his girlfriend.Jordan knows everything this year has an expiration date. Aberdeen is supposed to be about fun rather than waiting for life to happen. But E. M. Forster, Shakespeare, and mistletoe on Valentine’s Day make her reconsider what love is and how far she’s willing to go for the right guy.
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If Only Swag Pack
-An “I love you from here to Scotland” print
-Ahava pendent
-A pack each of Much Ado about Nothing and A Room With a View confetti
-Much Ado about Nothing travel mug
-A Room With a View Blu-ray
-(a $25 Amazon gift card will be substituted if winner is outside the US)
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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