Saturday, May 31, 2014
Book Birthday: CARNAL DESIRE by @KTFisher_Author @AvaManello
Eve returns home unaware danger is hot on her heels. Will Satan get the revenge he seeks, will Angel save the woman he loves or will Ink get the woman he deserves.
The nail biting conclusion to the story that crosses two continents...
Book Two in a two-part story.
Amazon | Kobo
The long flight home would have been a hell of a lot worse if it hadn't been for the woman sitting by my side. She'd initially taken one look at my tear stained face as I sat down beside her and left me alone. However, once we'd been in the air for a couple of hours, she decided I'd wallowed in my own misery long enough.
"I don't want to interfere honey, but are you okay?" She has such a concerned look on her face that I can't be rude and not answer her. Besides, I feel like I do need to talk to someone. The silence of holding it all in is driving me crazy, and I know my mum won't want to hear about it when I get home. I don't even think she'll notice that I'm sad.
"Not really, it's been a rough few weeks." She gives me a sad smile, and I laugh brokenly at the insanity of recent events. "I almost got killed, met the man of my dreams, and now I'm going home without him." Saying the words aloud releases a fresh bout of tears. I wipe at them and try to calm myself, but images of Gabe when I last saw him make me sad.
One hand reaches over to pat my back gently, while the other offers me a tissue which I gladly accept. I'm feeling a tiny bit better already. "Well, we've a long flight ahead of us, why don't you tell me all about it? A problem shared is a problem halved." She smiles over at me. "My name's Elle, and I'm pleased to meet you."
I turn to look at this kind stranger. She's beautiful, looks a little older than me with long blonde tresses falling past her shoulders. If it hadn't been for the ripped jeans and band t-shirt I'd have sworn she was a model. Hell maybe she is, she certainly looks the part. She also has one of those personalities that you seem to warm to, instantly. My gut tells me I can trust this woman, and this time I'm going to listen to it.
She spends the next couple of hours listening to my story after I introduce myself. Her face goes through a whole host of emotions, laughter, sadness and downright shock to horror. I guess looking back, it's the kind of thing you see in the movies or read about in books. It just wasn't supposed to happen in real life, but it did. I'm glad she doesn't seem critical of the MC way of life either. I think I would have been if our roles were reversed. Instead, she just seems concerned for me.
"Do you love Gabe?" She queries. I take a deep breath before answering her.
"When I left I thought I did, but was scared that it was just lust for him. By the time I got to the airport I knew it was true, I do love him." I hunt through my bag for my phone, it's in flight mode so I flick through some of the pictures I took during my time in Australia. I want to remember my time there. I find a picture of me and Teresa with Pres and Gabe standing behind us and show Elle. Her eyes widen as she takes in the sexy men in the picture and I nod my head. I totally understand her reaction. All that hotness in tattoos and leather is eye wideningly orgasmic.
I've just put my phone away when Elle takes my hand in hers, gently patting it. "It's not too late Eve. Go home, give your daughter the biggest and longest hug, then find a way to talk to your man and see if there's anything there on his side."
She's right, I need to talk to Gabe to find out how he really feels. If this is all one sided then I need to buck up my ideas and stop pining, and if it isn't , I need to work out what to do about it.
"Thanks Elle, I feel better for talking it through with you." Whilst I still haven't resolved my situation, at least now I have a better idea of what to do when I get home.
I realize I've been monopolizing the conversation for the last few hours and feel slightly guilty. "Enough about my troubles, why don't you tell me all about you?" I'm not just being polite, I really do want to get to know Elle better.
Elle shares that she's a freelance writer. Her current assignment is for an online travel magazine who are doing a feature on European holidays for singles. She's coming to the UK for a couple of weeks and staying in London, York, Newcastle and Edinburgh.
"I don't believe it! I live in York. Can we meet up and I'll show you the sights." I beg. It would be great to show my new friend around, and selfishly I hope it will make my return a little less lonely. Whilst I'm happy to be seeing Elizabeth again, there's only so much two year old chatter you can stand before needing adult company. For some reason I felt an instant connection with Elle.
"That would be great." Elle beams at me. Her beautiful smile lights up her whole face. "We'll sort the dates out before we land, but for now tell me more about this Ink character, he sounds yummy."
I have to laugh at her choice of words, I'm not sure yummy is a word I'd use to describe Ink. It's the sort of word you use to talk about a fit mother in the nursery playground, not a hunk of tattooed hotness in an MC club.
I tell her about his very short, dark hair, his muscled, tattooed arms, the hint of tattoos on his back and chest I'd caught glimpses of, but mostly about his character. Ink was my friend from the beginning, he was there for me when others turned their backs. Just thinking about Ink brings a smile to my face. Even though we went through an awkward stage when I found out his true feelings for me, I was glad we cleared it up before I left.
"Holy hell," Elle swoons, "you've got to set me up with an introduction when I fly home." It will be good to have an opportunity to chat to Ink again, so I assure Elle I'll do my best for her. Besides, Elle's a freaking goddess, I'm sure Ink will be grateful for the introduction.
The rest of the flight passes with mindless chatter. We find we have a lot of things in common, from favourite authors to music. By the end of the flight it feels like we've known each other forever. It's the kind of closeness I used to have with Teresa and I miss that in my life.
About the Authors
K.T Fisher
I love reading, it's my favourite hobby. I've always had ideas for my own books packed into my head so I thought I would write them out for people to enjoy
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Ava Manello
Passionate reader, blogger, publisher, and author. I love nothing more tag helping other Indie authors publish their books be that reviewing, beta reading, formatting or proofreading.
I love erotic suspense that's well written and engages the reader, and I love promoting the heck out of it over on my book blog.
I've just started a new chapter in my life, I'm a mother, but most of all I'm me and I'm following my dreams!
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Friday, May 30, 2014
Cover Reveal: OWNING VIOLET by Monica Murphy @MsMonicaMurphy
About the Series (unofficial):
The Fowler sisters are New York City’s darlings, heiresses to the Fleur Cosmetics Empire. Quickly put up on a fame hungry pedestal only for the media to lie in wait, eager to tear them down, these three very different young women soon find love in the most unexpected places…
The first book in the series, Owning Violet, releases December 2.
Violet Fowler is the good sister. She works hard at her family’s cosmetics company, is faithful to her boyfriend and never causes any trouble. Until Zachary disappoints her yet again with a promotion that will take him to London—and away from her. His leaving sets a new fire within her. What’s the point in being so good when no one else ever is?
Someone within Fleur Cosmetics wants that London promotion and will do anything to get it, including throwing temptation in the path of the not-so-faithful Zachary. Ryder McKay came from nothing and has fought every step of the way to his position at Fleur. And now the mysterious charmer has set his sights on Violet. If it worked for Zachary, it could work for him.
Seducing the good Fowler sister is easy. What Ryder doesn’t count on is how much Violet makes him feel. What started out as revenge soon becomes something deeper. Can Ryder go through with his plans to deceive Violet? Or is he only deceiving himself?
Amazon | B&N | Goodreads
Other books in series: (tentative release dates)
Stealing Rose coming spring 2015
Taming Lily coming summer 2015
About the Author
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite. A wife and mother of three, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance for Bantam and Avon. She is the author of One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend.
Website | Blog | Twitter | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon
The Fowler sisters are New York City’s darlings, heiresses to the Fleur Cosmetics Empire. Quickly put up on a fame hungry pedestal only for the media to lie in wait, eager to tear them down, these three very different young women soon find love in the most unexpected places…
The first book in the series, Owning Violet, releases December 2.
Violet Fowler is the good sister. She works hard at her family’s cosmetics company, is faithful to her boyfriend and never causes any trouble. Until Zachary disappoints her yet again with a promotion that will take him to London—and away from her. His leaving sets a new fire within her. What’s the point in being so good when no one else ever is?
Someone within Fleur Cosmetics wants that London promotion and will do anything to get it, including throwing temptation in the path of the not-so-faithful Zachary. Ryder McKay came from nothing and has fought every step of the way to his position at Fleur. And now the mysterious charmer has set his sights on Violet. If it worked for Zachary, it could work for him.
Seducing the good Fowler sister is easy. What Ryder doesn’t count on is how much Violet makes him feel. What started out as revenge soon becomes something deeper. Can Ryder go through with his plans to deceive Violet? Or is he only deceiving himself?
Amazon | B&N | Goodreads
Other books in series: (tentative release dates)
Stealing Rose coming spring 2015
Taming Lily coming summer 2015
About the Author
New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Monica Murphy is a native Californian who lives in the foothills below Yosemite. A wife and mother of three, she writes New Adult and contemporary romance for Bantam and Avon. She is the author of One Week Girlfriend and Second Chance Boyfriend.
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Julie Rowe's Top Twelve Dialogue Quotes from HOLLYWOOD SCANDAL! @julieroweauthor @indulgencebooks #giveaway
Entangled’s very first imprint, Indulgence, brings us the romance we want. And the fantasy men we can’t get enough of! Their new covers show off those rough and ready cowboys, CEOs, and alpha tycoons we crave. Join us in celebrating the brand new look of Indulgence!
Today I have Julie Rowe, author of Hollywood Scandal, sharing her top twelve favorite dialogue lines!
Twelve: “Funny things? Is that an official medical diagnosis?” ~ Alex Hardy
Eleven: “I’m not that far along in my evil plan to take over the world.” ~ Alex Hardy
Ten: “You’re delusional, that’s what you are.” ~ Calla Roberts
Nine: “The story in the papers is fiction.” ~ Calla Roberts
Eight: “Touch her and I’ll give you a fight you can’t win.” ~ Alex Hardy
Seven: “Yeah, right. That’s what all the narcissistic jerks say.” ~ Calla Roberts
Six: “…you’ve…hoisted the black flag & plan to begin slitting throats.” ~ Calla Roberts
Five: “…her lack of bullshit is very refreshing.” ~ Alex Hardy
Four: “I’m so stupid and I’m so fired.” ~ Calla Roberts
Three: “I was a ghost until I met you.” ~ Alex Hardy
Two: “You lied to me and destroyed me.” ~ Calla Roberts
One: “Tonight we’re going to suspend the laws of physics and stop time.” ~ Alex Hardy
She’s almost ready to believe good guys do exist…
Dr. Calla Roberts has seen too much death, destruction and betrayal to ever believe in fairy tales or men who are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. Which is why LA Lawyer Alex Hardy irritates the crap out of her. He’s a lawyer who practices radical honesty in a city famous for make believe. When an actor who thinks he can buy or cheat his way out of anything attempts to discredit Calla, Alex (with a crooked nose for trouble) champions her desperate cause. She slowly begins to think that good guys do exist, until she discovers Alex has lied about who he is, and who he loves.
About the Author
Julie Rowe’s first career as a med lab tech in Canada took her to the North West Territories and northern Alberta, where she still resides. She loves to include medical details and a lot of adventure in her romance novels. Julie writes contemporary and historical medical romance, and fun romantic suspense. Her writing has also appeared in several magazines such as Today’s Parent, Reader’s Digest (Canada), and Canadian Living.
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Today I have Julie Rowe, author of Hollywood Scandal, sharing her top twelve favorite dialogue lines!
Twelve: “Funny things? Is that an official medical diagnosis?” ~ Alex Hardy
Eleven: “I’m not that far along in my evil plan to take over the world.” ~ Alex Hardy
Ten: “You’re delusional, that’s what you are.” ~ Calla Roberts
Nine: “The story in the papers is fiction.” ~ Calla Roberts
Eight: “Touch her and I’ll give you a fight you can’t win.” ~ Alex Hardy
Seven: “Yeah, right. That’s what all the narcissistic jerks say.” ~ Calla Roberts
Six: “…you’ve…hoisted the black flag & plan to begin slitting throats.” ~ Calla Roberts
Five: “…her lack of bullshit is very refreshing.” ~ Alex Hardy
Four: “I’m so stupid and I’m so fired.” ~ Calla Roberts
Three: “I was a ghost until I met you.” ~ Alex Hardy
Two: “You lied to me and destroyed me.” ~ Calla Roberts
One: “Tonight we’re going to suspend the laws of physics and stop time.” ~ Alex Hardy
She’s almost ready to believe good guys do exist…
Dr. Calla Roberts has seen too much death, destruction and betrayal to ever believe in fairy tales or men who are as beautiful on the inside as they are on the outside. Which is why LA Lawyer Alex Hardy irritates the crap out of her. He’s a lawyer who practices radical honesty in a city famous for make believe. When an actor who thinks he can buy or cheat his way out of anything attempts to discredit Calla, Alex (with a crooked nose for trouble) champions her desperate cause. She slowly begins to think that good guys do exist, until she discovers Alex has lied about who he is, and who he loves.
About the Author
Julie Rowe’s first career as a med lab tech in Canada took her to the North West Territories and northern Alberta, where she still resides. She loves to include medical details and a lot of adventure in her romance novels. Julie writes contemporary and historical medical romance, and fun romantic suspense. Her writing has also appeared in several magazines such as Today’s Parent, Reader’s Digest (Canada), and Canadian Living.
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- 10 Indulgence Books (winner’s choice)
- US only
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Book Giveaway Friday: A WEDDING IN APPLE GROVE by C.H. Admirand @CHAdmirand
Every week, I'll give away a print copy to one lucky winner!
This week, I'm giving away a signed paperback of A Wedding in Apple Grove by C.H. Admirand!
He's not so sure about small town life.
She can't imagine living anywhere else.
Welcome to Apple Grove, Ohio (population 597), where everyone has your best interests at heart, even if they can't agree on the best way to meddle. When the townsfolk of Apple Grove need handiwork done, there's no job too small for the Mulcahy sisters: Megan, Caitlin, and Grace.
Specializing in hard work and family loyalty, tomboy Meg Mulcahy has left behind any girlhood dreams of romance. Enter newcomer Daniel Eagan, looking to bury his own broken heart and make a new start. He's surprised-and delighted-by the winsome girl with the mighty tool belt who shows up to fix his wiring.
But Dan's got a lot to learn about life in a small town, and when Meg's past collides with her future, it may take all 595 other residents of Apple Grove to keep this romance from short-circuiting.
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
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This week, I'm giving away a signed paperback of A Wedding in Apple Grove by C.H. Admirand!
He's not so sure about small town life.
She can't imagine living anywhere else.
Welcome to Apple Grove, Ohio (population 597), where everyone has your best interests at heart, even if they can't agree on the best way to meddle. When the townsfolk of Apple Grove need handiwork done, there's no job too small for the Mulcahy sisters: Megan, Caitlin, and Grace.
Specializing in hard work and family loyalty, tomboy Meg Mulcahy has left behind any girlhood dreams of romance. Enter newcomer Daniel Eagan, looking to bury his own broken heart and make a new start. He's surprised-and delighted-by the winsome girl with the mighty tool belt who shows up to fix his wiring.
But Dan's got a lot to learn about life in a small town, and when Meg's past collides with her future, it may take all 595 other residents of Apple Grove to keep this romance from short-circuiting.
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
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Thursday, May 29, 2014
Book Birthday & Excerpt: ON THE ROCKS by Alyssa Rose Ivy @alyssaroseivy
Love is best served on the rocks.
My roommates look really good naked. At least one of them does. I’m sure the other one does too, but I haven’t seen him without his pants on. Living with two guys wasn't something I’d ever considered, but the opportunity fell in my lap, and I’d have been crazy to turn it down.
College went by in a great big blur leaving me with less of a direction than I had going in. Add in a family that wanted nothing to do with me, and my post-college plans were less than clear. What’s a girl to do when she has nowhere else to turn? She moves to the Outer Banks and learns to bartend. After all, it was my horrible bartending skills that led me to my roommate’s bed and into his heart.
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I heard the water in the sink running, and I assumed someone was brushing their teeth. I knocked while pushing open the door. “I just need my—”
The rest of my words were lost as Macon turned toward me. There he was holding a toothbrush and wearing nothing. Absolutely nothing.
“Oh my god. I am so sorry.” I backed out without finding my brush.
“Can I help you?” His voice was amused. How was he amused?
“Why are you naked?”
“Because I just got out of the shower.”
I kept looking down. “But you were brushing your teeth.”
“I like to dry off before I get dressed. You should try it sometime.”
“That’s what a towel is for.” I heard the ping of the towel bar. I glanced up, half hoping he’d be covered and half hoping he wouldn’t be. He had a towel tied around his waist.
“I guess we’re even then.”
“Even?” I could barely think straight. I was still picturing Macon naked.
“Yeah, I walked in on you in a towel, now you’ve seen me baring it all. We’re good to go.”
“I wasn’t naked.”
He grinned. “So what you’re saying is now I’m the one with the extra points. Nice.”
“You’re crazy.”
“I am? You’re the one who opened the door without waiting for an answer, and what did you need anyway?”
“My brush,” I answered sheepishly. He was right, I did pretty much barge right in.
“Here you go,” he held out the brush.
I took it, and my hand brushed against his in the process. Even tiny touches from him got me. “Thanks, and sorry.”
“Not a problem, roomie.”
“Is there anything else?”
“Oh, no. Nothing.” I backed out the rest of the way and closed the door. Could I get more embarrassing?
About the Author
Alyssa Rose Ivy is a New Adult and Young Adult author who loves to weave stories with romance and a southern setting. Although raised in the New York area, she fell in love with the South after moving to New Orleans for college. After years as a perpetual student, she turned back to her creative side and decided to write. She lives in North Carolina with her husband and two young children, and she can usually be found with a cup of coffee in her hand.
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Cover Reveal: Shadow Hunter by Kait Ballenger @kait_ballenger
Vampire hunter Damon Brock's first assignment with the Execution Underground is Rochester, New York, a city crawling with the undead. But he isn't the only hunter in town gunning for vamp blood. Tiffany Solow is fierce and ruthless when it comes to slaying the monsters that destroyed her family-and she works solo. But being alone is no longer so desirable when she meets the mysterious hunter who wants more than just her turf. As they work to massacre the local covens, the line between good and evil blurs when they are forced to decide between their lifelong beliefs... and their newfound hearts.
Amazon | B&N | Kobo
About the Author
Kait Ballenger is a full-time paranormal romance author, wife, former professional bellydancer, and soon-to-be-professor. She has a BA in English from Stetson University and an MFA in Creative Writing from Spalding University. She lives in Central Florida with her screenwriter husband and three sweet furry babies, all three of whom are named after fictional characters. Kait hopes that one day with hard work and dedication, she will be a bestselling author, and then, people will name their pets after her characters, too.
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Tuesday, May 27, 2014
Cover Reveal: AGENT M4: RIORDAN by Joni Hahn @jonihahnauthor
Agent M4: Riordan (D.I.R.E. Agency, #4) by Joni Hahn is a sci-fi romance with superheroes, out June 4!
• Former D.I.R.E. Enemy Agent
• Mongolian Prison Survivor
• Magnetism
Sent to a Mongolian prison against his will, former enemy agent Riordan St. James is suddenly back in civilization. With his hands crushed, and littered with scars, he trusts no one. When he accepts D.I.R.E.’s prosthetic hands to operate a future, super power enhancement, Riordan knows their offer comes with a price - he just isn’t sure he wants to pay.
After an affair with a client turns deadly, psychologist and senator’s daughter Natalie Meeks, doesn’t trust her own judgment. When she’s hired to help Riordan adjust to civilization again, she finds herself in familiar, forbidden territory – battling a fiery attraction to her client.
One heated encounter with the elegant Dr. Meeks convinces Riordan to abide by D.I.R.E.’s bargain. However, when new evidence about his disappearance uncovers shocking secrets, he questions not only his decision, but the people around him – including his sexy-as-hell doctor.
While their lives become more entangled, yet pulled apart, a madman turns up the heat on his plans for Natalie. And the only person she can trust is the one man that doesn’t trust her…
About the Author
By day, Joni Hahn keeps her secret decoder ring hidden while she works as a mild-mannered HR manager and accounting generalist. She believes the world can never have too many superheroes, and anxiously waits for the call when one will need help saving the world… or getting into his costume.
Joni was born with a hopelessly tender heart and believes there is nothing more exhilarating than falling in love (Other than the rear shot of Chris Evans in The Avengers - that was pretty darn exhilarating).
A native Texan, she thinks cowboys are the epitome of masculinity, and that country music is the other soul music.
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• Former D.I.R.E. Enemy Agent
• Mongolian Prison Survivor
• Magnetism
Sent to a Mongolian prison against his will, former enemy agent Riordan St. James is suddenly back in civilization. With his hands crushed, and littered with scars, he trusts no one. When he accepts D.I.R.E.’s prosthetic hands to operate a future, super power enhancement, Riordan knows their offer comes with a price - he just isn’t sure he wants to pay.
After an affair with a client turns deadly, psychologist and senator’s daughter Natalie Meeks, doesn’t trust her own judgment. When she’s hired to help Riordan adjust to civilization again, she finds herself in familiar, forbidden territory – battling a fiery attraction to her client.
One heated encounter with the elegant Dr. Meeks convinces Riordan to abide by D.I.R.E.’s bargain. However, when new evidence about his disappearance uncovers shocking secrets, he questions not only his decision, but the people around him – including his sexy-as-hell doctor.
While their lives become more entangled, yet pulled apart, a madman turns up the heat on his plans for Natalie. And the only person she can trust is the one man that doesn’t trust her…
About the Author
By day, Joni Hahn keeps her secret decoder ring hidden while she works as a mild-mannered HR manager and accounting generalist. She believes the world can never have too many superheroes, and anxiously waits for the call when one will need help saving the world… or getting into his costume.
Joni was born with a hopelessly tender heart and believes there is nothing more exhilarating than falling in love (Other than the rear shot of Chris Evans in The Avengers - that was pretty darn exhilarating).
A native Texan, she thinks cowboys are the epitome of masculinity, and that country music is the other soul music.
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Excerpt: FINDING HAVEN by T.A. Foster @tafosterwriter
Power. Money. Control. Love.
He has all but one.
When movie star, Evan Carlson, discovers his girlfriend’s picture with another man splashed on the cover of gossip magazines, he decides he’s had enough of his fishbowl life and attempts to outrun the media frenzy his relationships have become. Driving until the road stops, he ends up on the remote and quaint Perry Island, where a heartthrob can blend in like the locals and be a beach bum as long as he wants. All that changes when Evan meets Haven Owen, aspiring songwriter and the girl he just can’t get enough of. A summer romance turns into something much deeper and Evan gets tangled in his own web of lies to keep Haven in his life. But when his ex tracks him down, Evan learns there are some things you just can’t outrun.
Is the cost of love, losing all control?
Amazon | B&N | Smashwords | iTunes | Goodreads
“Good morning, sunshine.” Travis beamed as Haven reached behind him for an apron.
He moved closer so that her arm grazed the firm muscles in his shoulder. The pair was almost eye level, and when he was this close, Haven could see deep flecks of amber in his dark eyes.
“Hey.” She stepped back, slipped the straps over her neck, and tied the strings tightly around her waist. Nothing was more unflattering than these canvas aprons her father made everyone who worked at Owen’s General Store wear.
“I’ve had better greetings,” the store clerk teased. He had stopped sweeping. He leaned against the broom handle with one arm while his free hand roamed Haven’s hip, resting on the curve of her waist. His palm felt warm through the thinness of her T-shirt.
Haven rolled her eyes. “I’m not a morning person. You know this.” She tugged at his wrist, working herself free.
“I wouldn’t forget something like that.” He smiled. She noticed he was overdue for a haircut. However, most surfers let their hair grow long in the summer. Travis wasn’t any different.
“Just stop with the chipper-chipperness.” Her cheeks flushed pink with the memory of waking up under Travis’s tanned arms. That had been two days ago. She glanced over his shoulder and read the clock above the register. 5:45. Even with rushing around, she was still fifteen minutes late. God, she had to get out of here.
Travis gripped the handle and turned his attention to the strokes of the broom across the store’s hardwood floors. “Got it.”
She hadn’t meant to snap at him. He was just being Travis, and she was doing what she always did—lashing out at him when he was only being nice. But, it was too familiar, too intimate. True, things had taken an awkward turn since they had made out after Ben Jordan’s bonfire party, but somehow Haven had convinced herself they could do those things to each other in the dark under the influence of too many red cups, and it would magically disappear when they worked together at the store. It didn’t go as planned. It never did.
“Trav, I’m—” Before she could complete the apology, her father barged through the back hallway. She bristled when he appeared.
“Haven? You late again?” The white-haired man avoided his daughter’s eyes and looked at Travis.
Unbelievable. This happened almost every morning and every morning Travis covered for her, but this time she didn’t deserve her ass to be saved. Her eyes darted toward the dark-haired boy as if to say, “It’s ok. I know I’m toast.”
“Haven was here, sir. Right on time.” Travis circled around, concentrating on the dust pile and not Haven’s wide eyes.
“Good. Travis, would you mind giving me a hand? There’s a delivery out back on the docks. Bait shrimp’s in.”
“Sure thing, Mr. Owen.” Travis winked as he handed his broom to Haven. “Maybe you could finish this for me.”
“Uh. Sure.” She took the handle and watched as the two men disappeared into the hallway’s delivery entrance.
Travis would certainly give her a hard time about the whole exchange; he always did. If he thought covering for her would lead to more alone time, he had the wrong idea about what happened between them. Haven couldn’t deny they had chemistry and the night at the beach was hot—hotter than it should have been.
Things had gradually escalated in the past month since she arrived home from college graduation. It started with an accidental kiss in the shadows of the employee parking lot after work, and then one night the kiss moved to the backseat of the car when Haven thought they had technically rounded second base. It was as if Travis had transformed into the hot new guy when she was gone last semester. Everything about his body was new to her.
She secretly admitted she liked getting to know this side of him, but the there was one thing about him that hadn’t changed. He wasn’t interested in stepping one toe off the island, and Haven didn’t want to keep one toe on it. No amount of flirting or hot kisses could change that.
About the Author
T.A. Foster is a Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children and two canine kiddos.
Her long love affair with books started at an early age and as soon as she was able, she transformed imaginative stories into words on paper. T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing or planning her next beach trip.
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May's @EntangledSelect releases from @tonyaburrows @katee_robert @paulaaltenburg @jamiekswriter @audranorth @suleikhasnyder
Whether you’re looking for a romance that makes you laugh, makes you ‘walk the plank’, keeps you guessing, or stars your favorite paranormal, look no further. Select books have the single-title stories you crave, and the longer length you need to really get ‘lost’ in a great book. To find out more about their titles, chat with authors, participate in special events, and to find out what books are coming next, visit the Entangled website, follow them on Twitter, and like their Facebook page.
Today I'm happy to be featuring Select's May releases:
A Hornet Novel
Available in Print and eCopy! Find out more! Giveaway |
A Sanctify Novel
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Never show fear to a demon.
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A week together could be just the cure she needs... Only 99 Cents! Find out more! Giveaway |
It's never the same old song... Only 99 Cents! Find out more! Giveaway |
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Plus don't miss these two special events!
Take Two by Laurelin Paige @LaurelinPaige
He’s ready for his close up, but she’s the one calling the shots.
On the night of her graduation from film school, straight-laced Maddie Bauers fell completely out of character for an oh-my-god make-out session with a perfect stranger. Complete with the big O.
Seven years later, that romantic interlude is still fresh in her mind. That stranger is now a rich and famous actor. And she’s one very distracted camera assistant working on his latest production. She might consider another tryst…if he even remembers her.
Micah Preston does indeed remember Maddie. Too bad he’s sworn off Hollywood relationships. He allows himself as much sex as he likes—and oh, he does like—but anything more is asking for trouble. For the woman, not for him. Yet knowing Maddie could want more than a movie-set fling doesn’t stop him from pursuing her like a moth drawn to hot stage lights.
But as the shoot nears its end, it’s decision time. Is it time to call, “Cut!” on their affair, or is there enough material for a sequel?
Warning: Contains a dreamy movie star hero, a focus-pulling heroine, off-the-charts instant chemistry, steamy sex in near-public locations, and a new use for lip gloss.
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About the Author
Laurelin Paige is the NY Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Fixed Trilogy. She's a sucker for a good romance and gets giddy anytime there's kissing, much to the embarrassment of her three daughters. Her husband doesn't seem to complain, however. When she isn't reading or writing sexy stories, she's probably singing, watching Mad Men and the Walking Dead, or dreaming of Adam Levine.
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Book Birthday: TEMPTED by Brandi Leigh Hall @BrandiLeighHall
Tempted (#2 in The BirthRight Series) by Brandi Leigh Hall is a sweet upper YA/NA paranormal romance, out now!
What if the very thing to save you—is the one thing beyond your reach?
Torn between the two men who have fallen for her–and the evil who wants to possess her–twenty-year-old Chloe Bishop can no longer remember the fatal vision which threatens her future happiness. But when the magical link is severed between Chloe and her Wiccan family, they must find a way to save her before temptation leads her into darkness—-and into the welcoming arms of Mr. Wrong.
Purchase Tempted for just 99 cents during release week!
Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | Goodreads
Haven’t read book #1- Tethered? Snag it today!
No matter how you try to fight it—Destiny has a mind of its own!
Returning home to her Wiccan roots wasn’t quite what nineteen-year-old Chloe Bishop had in mind for summer break. But when fate makes other plans, Chloe is forced to face her unwanted magical abilities—the destiny she never knew existed—and the handsome stranger who is somehow tethered to both.
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About the Author
Brandi lives in central Pennsylvania with her fur-ball cats (Onyx and Klepto), where she spends most of her time attached to her laptops, reading books, appeasing her sweet tooth, and watching TV for motivation.
Growing up in a haunted house inspired Brandi’s fascination with the paranormal, so it only made sense that she’d write Urban Fantasy books for both teens and adults.
Brandi hasn’t been lucky enough to meet her soul mate (yet), so she writes paranormal tales of those who have. Her stories combine magical elements with real-life issues, strong female characters, semi-old fashioned men and family values, woven together and told from an emotional, first-person perspective. She enjoys writing sweet stories that teach girls it’s okay to speak your mind and be independent, career-driven, and not worry about fitting in to society’s mold.
In addition to the BirthRight Novels, she also has four additional adventures she’ll be writing over the next few years, so stay-tuned.
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2 Paperback copies of Tethered and swag ( US Only )
2 Ebook copies of Tethered ( International )
a Rafflecopter giveaway
What if the very thing to save you—is the one thing beyond your reach?
Torn between the two men who have fallen for her–and the evil who wants to possess her–twenty-year-old Chloe Bishop can no longer remember the fatal vision which threatens her future happiness. But when the magical link is severed between Chloe and her Wiccan family, they must find a way to save her before temptation leads her into darkness—-and into the welcoming arms of Mr. Wrong.
Purchase Tempted for just 99 cents during release week!
Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes | Goodreads
Haven’t read book #1- Tethered? Snag it today!
No matter how you try to fight it—Destiny has a mind of its own!
Returning home to her Wiccan roots wasn’t quite what nineteen-year-old Chloe Bishop had in mind for summer break. But when fate makes other plans, Chloe is forced to face her unwanted magical abilities—the destiny she never knew existed—and the handsome stranger who is somehow tethered to both.
Amazon | B&N | iBooks | Kobo | Goodreads
About the Author
Brandi lives in central Pennsylvania with her fur-ball cats (Onyx and Klepto), where she spends most of her time attached to her laptops, reading books, appeasing her sweet tooth, and watching TV for motivation.
Growing up in a haunted house inspired Brandi’s fascination with the paranormal, so it only made sense that she’d write Urban Fantasy books for both teens and adults.
Brandi hasn’t been lucky enough to meet her soul mate (yet), so she writes paranormal tales of those who have. Her stories combine magical elements with real-life issues, strong female characters, semi-old fashioned men and family values, woven together and told from an emotional, first-person perspective. She enjoys writing sweet stories that teach girls it’s okay to speak your mind and be independent, career-driven, and not worry about fitting in to society’s mold.
In addition to the BirthRight Novels, she also has four additional adventures she’ll be writing over the next few years, so stay-tuned.
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2 Paperback copies of Tethered and swag ( US Only )
2 Ebook copies of Tethered ( International )
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Excerpt: GODDESS BORN by Kari Edgren @carinapress
Pennsylvania, 1730
Selah Kilbrid keeps a dangerous secret: she has the power to heal.
A direct descendent of the Celtic goddess Brigid, it's Selah's sacred duty to help those in need. But as the last of the Goddess Born living in the New World, she learned from an early age to keep her supernatural abilities hidden. The Quaker community of Hopewell has always been welcoming, but there's no doubt they would see her hanged if her gift was revealed.
When a prominent minister threatens to try her with witchcraft unless she becomes his wife, Selah has only one hope--that her betrothed, a distant cousin from Ireland, arrives as planned. Marrying Samuel would keep her secret safe, preserve her sacred bloodline, and protect her from being charged as a witch.
But when news of Samuel's death reaches the Colonies, Selah is truly on her own. Terrified, she faces an impossible choice--forfeit her powers and marry the loathsome Nathan? Or find an imposter to pose as her husband and preserve her birthright?
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Even wounded and fast asleep he was distractingly handsome, and I felt a sudden urge to touch him again, but without the piece of linen beneath my fingers this time. Assuring myself he would be none the wiser in his present state, I traced a finger along the fine angles of his face, around his ear and down along the strong jaw. He stirred, and I yanked my hand away.
His eyes fluttered open, revealing overly dilated pupils. Focusing the best he could on my face, his brows creased in agitation. “There’s been a mistake,” he slurred.
I gave an undignified snort of laughter. “Precisely which one are you referring to?” I asked, torn between vexation and amusement, as our list of mistakes seemed only to be growing today. Did he mean our being attacked by a group of scoundrels or how my dress was covered in blood from two different men? Or maybe that he had been shot in the back and should actually be dead by now rather than traveling on to the next inn? Really, he needed to be more specific.
“It’s my name,” he said, growing more agitated. “I am not Mr. Alan.”
“Of course you are,” I said soothingly. “It’s written right on your contract for indenture.” Henry wasn’t my first patient to suffer delusions. Once he was rested and the shock worn off, he would return to normal—memories and all.
“No,” he said and tried to push up. Barely making it to his elbows, he winced in pain from the effort. “I shouldn’t be here.”
“Lie down before you cause more damage,” I ordered, placing a hand on his chest to make him obey. The initial healing had been exhausting, and I didn’t want to start again anytime soon. It was a wonderful gift, but as with everything great, there was a price. Supper and a good night’s sleep would restore my physical strength. The fire, though, could only be replenished in another world.
Henry lay back down and stared up at me intently. “I’m not who you think I am.”
“So you’re not the King of England?” I teased. “I was hoping to call you Georgie once we got to Brighmor.”
He fell silent, and I thought the fit had passed when he reached over and took my hand. “You are so beautiful,” he said, his green eyes boring into me. “Just like an angel.”
My spine stiffened, and I pulled my hand free. “Shush now,” I said, this time with real urgency. “No more talking.”
I don’t know if it was the tone of my voice or just plain fatigue, but he closed his eyes and fell back to sleep. Overcome by a heavy weariness, I slumped against the bench, feeling as though all my bones had been turned to lead. In his present condition, Henry would retain no memory of the words that now echoed inside my head.
Just like an angel…
This time it had meant nothing.
In the future it could mean my death.
About the Author
Kari Edgren did not dream of becoming a writer. Instead, she dreamed of everything else and was often made to stay inside during kindergarten recess to practice her letters. Despite doting parents and a decent school system, Ms. Edgren managed to make it through elementary school having completed only one book cover to cover – The Box Car Children, which she read approximately forty-seven times. Things improved during high school, but not until she read Gabrielle Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude in college, did she truly understand the power of a book.
Ms. Edgren aspires to be a Vulcan, a world-acclaimed opera singer, and two inches taller. She resides in the Pacific NW where she spends a great deal of time torturing her husband and children with strange food and random historical facts. Ms. Edgren hasn’t stopped dreaming, but has finally mastered her letters enough to put the stories on paper.
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Monday, May 26, 2014
Book Birthday: SEDUCING THE PLAYBOY by @amandausen and RECIPE FOR SEDUCTION by @gordongina
If you like your heroes hot, the sex hotter, and a swoon-worthy romance to swoop in and save your happily ever after, Brazen has the story for you. Sinfully sexy soldiers. Alpha cops who demand control. Sweet guys with a naughty side in the bedroom. At Brazen, they've got the hero destined to melt your... heart. Visit the Entangled website, the Brazen Blog, follow them on Twitter, Like their Facebook page, and follow them on Pinterest.
Introducing Brazen's May 26th releases:
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Work Hard, play harder... Find out more! Special $0.99 Introductory Price! |
Let the game of seduction begin... Find out more! Special $0.99 Introductory Price! |
Plus don't miss the Brazen Seduction Party
Friday, May 23, 2014
Cover Reveal: THIS SUMMER by Katlyn Duncan @katlyn_duncan @carinapress
This Summer by Katlyn Duncan releases this July from Carina UK!
Before college, before responsibilities, Hadley Beauman and best friend Lily are determined to have a summer to remember. There will be all the usual dramas - ex-boyfriends who don't seem to know what 'ex' means, pesky younger brothers with unrequited crushes, but what Hadley didn't anticipate was the out-of-the-blue return of the seriously hot boy-next-door, Will Carson. The boy who broke her heart when he skipped town two years ago.
Will may have shot up a foot and filled out (oh yes), but inside he carries the weight of guilt - for leaving, for coming back... Now he's just passing through to tie up loose ends but it's clear the old chemistry still crackles between him and Hadley. Trouble is, it's built on two years of lies...
This summer might just be the best time of their lives, but is Hadley ready for everything to change - again?
About the Author
Katlyn Duncan was born and raised in a small town in western Massachusetts. Her overactive imagination involved invisible friends, wanting to be a Disney Princess and making up her own stories. Her bibliophile mom always encouraged her love of reading and that stayed with her since. Even though she works full time in the medical field Katlyn has always made time for books, whether she is reading or writing them.
Katlyn now lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and adorable Wheaten Terrier and she is thrilled to finally share her stories with the world.
Website | Goodreads | Twitter | Facebook
Before college, before responsibilities, Hadley Beauman and best friend Lily are determined to have a summer to remember. There will be all the usual dramas - ex-boyfriends who don't seem to know what 'ex' means, pesky younger brothers with unrequited crushes, but what Hadley didn't anticipate was the out-of-the-blue return of the seriously hot boy-next-door, Will Carson. The boy who broke her heart when he skipped town two years ago.
Will may have shot up a foot and filled out (oh yes), but inside he carries the weight of guilt - for leaving, for coming back... Now he's just passing through to tie up loose ends but it's clear the old chemistry still crackles between him and Hadley. Trouble is, it's built on two years of lies...
This summer might just be the best time of their lives, but is Hadley ready for everything to change - again?
About the Author
Katlyn Duncan was born and raised in a small town in western Massachusetts. Her overactive imagination involved invisible friends, wanting to be a Disney Princess and making up her own stories. Her bibliophile mom always encouraged her love of reading and that stayed with her since. Even though she works full time in the medical field Katlyn has always made time for books, whether she is reading or writing them.
Katlyn now lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and adorable Wheaten Terrier and she is thrilled to finally share her stories with the world.
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Book Giveaway Friday: Signed copy of TEASE by Sophie Jordan @soverysophie
Every week, I'll giveaway a print copy to one lucky winner!
This week, I'm giving away a signed ARC of Tease by Sophie Jordan!
A young college woman gets schooled in life, sex, and love in New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan’s sizzling New Adult romance series—where three Ivy League suite-mates testing their boundaries as they seek higher knowledge of just how far they can go.
A born flirt and good-time party girl, Emerson has never had a problem finding a willing guy. She’s always chosen her hook-ups carefully, and she's never broken her three cardinal rules:
Never let them see the real you.
Never fall in love.
Always leave them begging for more.
Then comes Shaw. A hotty from the wrong side of the tracks, he’s immune to her flirtatious banter and come-hither smile. After rescuing her from a disastrous night at a biker bar, he doesn’t even try to take her to bed—he calls her a tease and sends her home instead. Unable to resist a challenge, or forget the sexy dark-eyed bad-boy biker, she vows to bring him to his knees.
But instead of making Shaw beg, she finds herself craving him. For the first time in her life, she’s throwing out her rulebook. Suddenly, she’s the one panting for a guy she can’t control. A guy who won’t settle for anything less than the real Emerson, who forces her to do things she’s never imagined, including facing a past she thought she'd buried.
A guy who just might leave her wanting more . . .
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
a Rafflecopter giveaway
This week, I'm giving away a signed ARC of Tease by Sophie Jordan!
A young college woman gets schooled in life, sex, and love in New York Times bestselling author Sophie Jordan’s sizzling New Adult romance series—where three Ivy League suite-mates testing their boundaries as they seek higher knowledge of just how far they can go.
A born flirt and good-time party girl, Emerson has never had a problem finding a willing guy. She’s always chosen her hook-ups carefully, and she's never broken her three cardinal rules:
Never let them see the real you.
Never fall in love.
Always leave them begging for more.
Then comes Shaw. A hotty from the wrong side of the tracks, he’s immune to her flirtatious banter and come-hither smile. After rescuing her from a disastrous night at a biker bar, he doesn’t even try to take her to bed—he calls her a tease and sends her home instead. Unable to resist a challenge, or forget the sexy dark-eyed bad-boy biker, she vows to bring him to his knees.
But instead of making Shaw beg, she finds herself craving him. For the first time in her life, she’s throwing out her rulebook. Suddenly, she’s the one panting for a guy she can’t control. A guy who won’t settle for anything less than the real Emerson, who forces her to do things she’s never imagined, including facing a past she thought she'd buried.
A guy who just might leave her wanting more . . .
Goodreads | Amazon | B&N
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
Excerpt: FINDING HAVEN by T.A. Foster @tafosterwriter
Power. Money. Control. Love.
He has all but one.
When movie star, Evan Carlson, discovers his girlfriend’s picture with another man splashed on the cover of gossip magazines, he decides he’s had enough of his fishbowl life and attempts to outrun the media frenzy his relationships have become. Driving until the road stops, he ends up on the remote and quaint Perry Island, where a heartthrob can blend in like the locals and be a beach bum as long as he wants. All that changes when Evan meets Haven Owen, aspiring songwriter and the girl he just can’t get enough of. A summer romance turns into something much deeper and Evan gets tangled in his own web of lies to keep Haven in his life. But when his ex tracks him down, Evan learns there are some things you just can’t outrun.
Is the cost of love, losing all control?
Amazon | B&N | Smashwords | iTunes
It could have been two or three hours since he had drifted off. Sleep came a lot easier now. Evan didn’t bother with clocks anymore. His cheeks prickled with the first signs of sunburn. He swatted at a fly.
“Dammit,” he mumbled as he caught himself from tipping over onto the sand.
He looked over his left shoulder. Charlotte was gone. He was grateful for that. He flipped the lid on the cooler and reached into the container that was now more water than ice. He twisted the top off an icy bottle and chugged until it was empty.
The water was flat today and calmer than Evan remembered seeing it in the past two weeks. Usually surfers dotted the break line, but with quiet waves, he noticed a few kayaks floating close by.
Since he had moved into Silver Belle, he had managed to get an even brown tan, drink as much as he had in college, and remain completely anonymous as Jay, the writer from Georgia. Evan chuckled, knowing that so little had ever been accomplished in two weeks. It took real effort to do nothing, and of that, he was prouder than hell.
He rubbed the scruff that had grown on his face. He had never had this much facial hair before. There were always actors who had to grow beards for roles or dye their hair, but Evan’s bankability was in his face. It was never a request he had to fulfill. Maybe next film. As soon as the thought entered his mind, his chest tightened and it felt like shards of glass had slipped under his ribcage. He struggled to push them out. No, no more films. It’s not happening.
He fished in the cooler for another beer. A fiddler crab waved its large claw near Evan’s toe before scurrying sideways into an open hole in the sand.
There was something settling about the beach. The longer he watched each wave roll toward him, unfurling in a smooth flutter over the bank of broken shells, the longer he wanted to stay and do nothing more.
About the Author
T.A. Foster is a Southern girl whose heart and spirit are connected to the beach. She grew up catching rays and chasing waves along the North Carolina Outer Banks and now resides in the state with her adventurous pilot husband, two children and two canine kiddos.
Her long love affair with books started at an early age, and as soon as she was able, she transformed imaginative stories into words on paper. Time Spell is T.A.’s debut novel, and the first in a series about a very adventurous, clever, and magical girl named Ivy.
T.A. has an undergraduate degree in Journalism and Mass Communication from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and a graduate degree in Educational Psychology from Texas A&M University. When she’s not chasing her two-legged and four-legged children or trying to escape for date night, you can find her reading, writing or planning her next beach trip.
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Win a $20 Fandango Gift Card, a $10 Amazon Gift Card, and a SIGNED copy of KISSING EDEN (US Only)
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Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Book Trailer Reveal: TEASE by Sophie Jordan @soverysophie
A born flirt and good-time party girl, Emerson has never had a problem finding a willing guy. She’s always chosen her hook-ups carefully, and she’s never broken her three cardinal rules:
· Never let them see the real you.
· Never fall in love.
· Always leave them begging for more.
Then comes Shaw. A hottie from the wrong side of the tracks, he’s immune to her flirtatious banter and come-hither smile. After rescuing her from a disastrous night at a biker bar, he doesn’t even try to take her to bed-he calls her a tease and sends her home instead. Unable to resist a challenge, or forget the sexy dark-eyed bad-boy biker, she vows to bring him to his knees.
But instead of making Shaw beg, she finds herself craving him. For the first time in her life, she’s throwing out her rulebook. Suddenly, she’s the one panting for a guy she can’t control. A guy who won’t settle for anything less than the real Emerson, who forces her to do things she’s never imagined, including facing a past she thought she’d buried.
A guy who just might leave her wanting more . . .
Amazon | B&N
About the Author
Sophie Jordan is an international and New York Times bestselling author whose books include historical romances and the Firelight series. When she’s not writing, she spends her time overloading on caffeine (lattes preferred), talking plotlines with anyone who will listen (including her kids), and cramming her DVR with true-crime and reality-television shows. She lives in Houston.
Book Birthday: WHERE THERE'S SMOKE by Elizabeth Lee @elwrites
There is something to be said for letting go. Ryland Roberts knows that better than anyone. He'd let go of his ambitions, of his family and—most of all—of her. He'd perfected the art of putting his past behind him and accepted the fact that the town he wanted to leave in his rearview was the place where he was going to live out his days. But sometimes the past doesn't just go away. Sometimes it comes back to haunt you.
Piper Jameson convinced herself that she left for all the right reasons. She'd saved people by leaving—made sure that they weren't tainted by her rebellious ways. When her little sister asks her to come home and say goodbye to their ailing mother, she's forced to see that things aren't always as they seem. The people who she'd left behind might not have been saved at all.
In the amount of time it takes a bullet to travel from point A to point B, Piper and Ryland will have to put their feelings for each other aside and make a choice. Forced on the run with Piper's sister, they begin to understand that the future they thought was gone was never really lost.
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I stretched my arm out and placed a hand on the cool concrete, the grit and dirt sticking to my palm. Such a contrast to the warmth I felt with Ryland firmly pressed up against me. The curves of my backside fit perfectly against his long, lean frame, our skin heating up the chill around us.
The fall weather had descended upon our small Midwestern town almost overnight. It seemed like only a week or two ago we had been wearing shorts and flip-flops. Now it was jeans and jackets. Well, actually, now it was nothing.
I felt my cheeks heat as I thought about what we had just done. I wasn't embarrassed. Far from it. In fact, I'd never felt more sure about anything in my entire life as I was about what had just happened with Ry.
“That was incredible,” he whispered against my neck as he traced lazy circles on my shoulder with his fingertips.
“Yeah,” I breathed, rolling onto my back to look up at him. The soft glow of an outdoor utility light crept through the open side of the airplane hangar, barely lighting up the space. “Never imagined our first time being on a blanket spread out on a cold, hard floor, but I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
“Me too. Let’s get on that then,” he said with a wicked grin before he pressed his lips to mine. Propping himself on one arm—his hand resting against the side of his head—he snaked his free hand under one of the flannel blankets he'd commandeered from an airplane parked beside us.
I liked this side of him. The side that wasn't perfect and calculated. The side that just did, said, and felt what he wanted. He was literally feeling his way up my body—his hands smooth and rough all at the same time—sending all of my teenage hormones spiraling out of control. We were living in the moment, which was exactly where I preferred to be.
“You know how much I love you, right?” His face became very serious, almost concerned.
“I wanted tonight to be special. I thought we'd go back to my house after we looked at the planes. My parents are gone and...” He was back in his head, thinking about his meticulously thought-out evening. Doubting his ability to be perfect. He did this sometimes—overanalyzed things. “It didn't go exactly as I planned, but—”
“It was perfect,” I assured him. “Plans, schmans.” I pulled his face to mine, giggling, my lips barely grazing his. “And I love you, too.”
That was the thing about Ryland—I saw a side of him that no one else saw. I could probably say the same for him about me. Until him, I’d never felt like I was going to amount to much, but he believed in me, even when I didn't—which was most of the time. When I was with him, I didn't feel like I needed to do everything in my power to piss people off. He made me want to stay in this Godforsaken town with a family that ignored my existence. They ignored it until I did something wrong—which was about ninety percent of the time. Then my stepfather made sure to let me just how worthless I was.
“So do you feel like a rebel?” I asked. “This being your first breaking and entering and all.”
It had been his idea to sneak on to the airfield—something that was much more in my wheelhouse than his. I was the one who usually threw caution to the wind. He was the good boy. The straight-A student. The doting son.
“Oh yeah.” He laughed. “I'm a regular badass. Nothing like walking through an open gate to an abandoned shed.” He cast his arm out sarcastically in the vacant space above our heads. Nothing but sheet metal and wooden beams. A handful of airplanes were parked around us with a smattering of fuel cans, tools, and parachutes hanging from the walls. “I'm not sure we actually broke into anything. More like casually strolled in.”
We lived in a town where people left their front doors unlocked. The kind of town where everyone knew everyone and all of their business. Truitville. It was a place with a minimal crime rate. I think that night, that's what we’d both thought: What's the worst that could happen?
“So what's next then, Clyde? Wanna rob a bank?”
About the Author
When I'm not writing or playing the part of wife and mother, you can find me dancing back-up for Beyonce, singing back-up for Miranda, or sunning myself on the beach with a drink in hand. Here's the thing about being born and raised in a small town—you have a very vivid imagination! Now, I channel it all to create stories where the girl always ends up with the right guy, first kisses are magical, and a happy ending is just that!
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Excerpt: WHISKEY KISSES by Addison Moore @AddisonMoore
Izzy Sawyer has always been the it girl. She believes she’s the last person on earth who deserves a happily ever after. Holt Edwards has always been the player that women voluntarily fall to their knees for. When it comes to love, Holt doesn’t believe in fairytale endings.
When Izzy dives back into the dating pool, Holt is right there, ready and willing, to offer tips and tricks to get her through an entire army of blind dates—starting with a bone melting demonstration on how to deliver mouthwatering kisses.
One thing leads to whiskey and Izzy is starting to think happily ever after doesn’t seem like such a bad idea. Holt is starting to rethink his stance on fairytale endings.
But Izzy has a secret that has turned her world upside down. Holt has a secret of his own that cost him far more than he ever bargained for.
Sometimes life doesn’t give you the happily ever after. Sometimes it’s best to leave fairytale endings on the bookshelf where they belong.
Izzy can’t stop thinking about Holt.
Holt can’t seem to quit his favorite new addiction—Izzy.
The mercury is rising—secrets are percolating—and their lust for one another is just about to detonate.
Izzy needs just one more hit of Holt and his late night Whiskey kisses, but deep down she knows that will never be enough. She wants all of him—every bone melting kiss he ever has to offer.
Izzy wants Holt
Holt worships Izzy.
Summer in Hollow Brook just heated up.
Sparks are flying.
Together Izzy and Holt are unstoppably electric.
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(Izzy’s Point of view)
Holt is lean and mean and full of enough ego that lets everyone in a ten mile radius know he’s ready and willing to light any ripe coeds fire. But he keeps looking at me—lingering those silver eyes over mine like he means business. He comes over and leans in close. His cologne washes over me like a heat wave at midnight. I glance up at him and his cheek glides up one side as if all hell were about to break loose. And judging by the way my thighs are quivering it so is.
About the Author
Addison Moore is a New York Times, USA Today, and Wall Street Journal bestselling author who writes contemporary and paranormal romance. Her work has been featured in Cosmopolitan magazine. Previously she worked for nearly a decade as a therapist on a locked psychiatric unit. She resides with her husband, four wonderful children, and two dogs on the West Coast where she eats too much chocolate and stays up way too late. When she's not writing, she's reading.
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2 winners will get an ebook set including 3:AM Kisses, Winter Kisses, and Sugar Kisses. International.
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Book Birthday: Some Like it Hot @InkSlingerPR
5 Bestselling Authors, 5 Bestselling Erotic Romance Novellas, 1 Amazing Price. This special edition anthology will be available for a limited time once it releases on May 20th!
Five novellas of hot, sexy love in one limited edition anthology, brought to you by five of today’s hottest bestselling Erotic Romance authors.
One Starry Night by Olivia Cunning
In high school, Jake was the bad boy who made Michelle burn with desire, took what he wanted from her body, and broke her heart. In hindsight, Michelle never should have gotten tangled up with the aspiring guitarist in the first place. In high school, Devlin was a sweet, shy geek who’d had a crush on her, but when he’d found the courage to ask her to Prom, she’d turned him down flat. In hindsight, she should have worried more about the quality of the boy than her reputation with the popular crowd. But this isn’t high school anymore. At her ten year class reunion, Michelle finds her once popular crowd lacking, but finds both the man who broke her heart and the one she once rejected irresistibly sexy. She wants them. Both of them. And they want her any way—every way—they can have her. Can she resist either man? Does she even want to try?
New York Times bestselling author Nicole Edwards is heating things up with Boots Optional, a sexy new ménage novella which is the first book in a hot new series called Dead Heat Ranch. Grace Lambert is familiar with hard work, long days, and handsome cowboys. She’s been working for her family’s dude ranch since she was old enough to ride a horse and she’s not afraid to get her hands dirty. What she is afraid of is the heat that’s been generating between her and not one, but two sexy cowboys who’ve set their sights on her. And each other. Grant Kingsley and Lane Miller have both had their eyes on Gracie for years, but the feisty cowgirl has managed to keep them at bay. As far as they are concerned, cowboys don’t give up, and neither of them is ready to give up just yet. Not on her and not on the heat that transpires between the two of them. Find out what happens when the sultry Texas nights get as hot as the fierce Texas days.
New York Times bestselling author Cherrie Lynn gets it hot in here with Shameless. It's a vacation Meredith Taylor will never forget. A sunny beach, good friends and good times. But when she overhears a couple having a passionate interlude on the balcony above her one night, she can't get the man's sultry voice out of her mind. Especially when she figures out exactly who that man is...
Cameron Moore always had an eye on his best friend's little sister but considered her strictly off limits, choosing to satisfy his lust elsewhere. Now Meri seems to want to annihilate every wall Cam's put up against her. The beach is hot, the drinks are cold, Meredith is irresistible, and something has to give. Will it only be the walls between them, or their hearts as well?
New York Times Bestselling Author Kristen Proby brings you Playing with Fire, a ménage novella. Bailey Whitworth is a charity event organizer and a woman exploring her sexuality. Kevin Welling and Gray McDermitt are firefighters and best friends who share everything. Bailey always knew her sexual appetites were "different", but she had no idea that she could fall in love with two men at once. What will she do when she has to choose between them? Or will she have to choose at all?
From USA Today bestselling author, Lainey Reese comes Guarding Nadia.
When Nadia Dixon walked into the offices of CJ Investigations, the last thing she expected to find were men who looked more like GQ models than bodyguards. It was desperation that brought her to their door however and she prayed that the two sex gods were more than just pretty faces.
Caleb and Jonas had started their security firm together after leaving the Secret Service. They had the lethal skill and training to safeguard anyone, including the gorgeous erotic author. Considering her stunning beauty, alluring sensuality and decadent profession, the only wonder was that she had drawn out just one obsessed fan. After hearing Nadia's story and seeing for themselves the threat that she was under, they knew they could keep her safe from any stalker.
Their only worry...who was going to keep her safe from them?
About The Authors

Combining her love for romantic fiction and rock 'n roll, USA Today Best-Selling Author Olivia Cunning writes erotic romance centered around rock musicians.
Raised on hard rock music from the cradle, she attended her first Styx concert at age six and fell instantly in love with live music. She's been known to travel over a thousand miles just to see a favorite band in concert. As a teen, she discovered her second love, romantic fiction -- first, voraciously reading steamy romance novels and then penning her own.
Olivia's first book in her Sinner's Tour Series, Backstage Pass, was published in 2010 by Sourcebooks. Book two in the series, Rock Hard, was published in 2011 and the third book, Double Time just released November 2012. The last two books in the series are expected to be out in 2013. Aside from the Sinners Tour that launched her career, Olivia has been hard at work on a few other series and stand alones . . . of course with the music turned up.
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Nicole lives in Texas with her husband, three kids and four dogs. It's quite the household and most of the time you'll find her locked away in her office - dubbed the writing cave. When she's not there, you'll probably find her reading or hanging out with the dogs and kids, doing her best to keep them in line. And no, for the record, it doesn't usually work.
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Cherrie Lynn has been a CPS caseworker and a juvenile probation officer, but now that she has come to her senses, she writes contemporary and paranormal romance on the steamy side. It's *much* more fun. She's also an unabashed rock music enthusiast, and loves letting her passion for romance and metal collide on the page.
When she's not writing, you can find her reading, listening to music or playing with her favorite gadget of the moment. She's also fond of hitting the road with her husband to catch their favorite bands live.
Cherrie lives in East Texas with said husband and their two kids, all of whom are the source of much merriment, mischief and mayhem. You can visit her at or at the various social networking sites. She loves hearing from readers!
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Kristen Proby is the USA Today bestselling author of the popular With Me in Seattle series. She has a passion for a good love story and strong characters who love humor and have a strong sense of loyalty and family. Her men are the alpha type—fiercely protective and a bit bossy—and her ladies are fun, strong, and not afraid to stand up for themselves. Kristen spends her days with her muse in the Pacific Northwest. She enjoys coffee, chocolate, and sunshine. And naps. Visit her at
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Lainey lives in lovely Lake Stevens, Washington. She is the author of the sizzling New York series, including the USA Today best seller Innocence Defied. Lainey's first novel, A Table for Three, was nominated for best debut novel of 2010 by the Romance Review and the fun hasn't stopped since the minute that book hit the shelves. Most days when Lainey isn't tucked in front of her computer she can be found out exploring the beautiful Pacific North West with her daughter and their two beloved pups. For more on Lainey and the books available, you can visit her website at
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